
Taking pictures of resilience and hope
Gadi Habugumisha, November 2020

Sylvester, Beatrice and their 6-year-old daughter are the sole inhabitants of Michael’s Island, Rwanda. Sylvester has spent his whole life there. His great grandparents moved from the mainland when they discovered fertile land on the island. Nearly 100 years ago they set sail across the lake. Without a boat, they made the voyage on the trunk of a banana tree. Life took some getting used to, water on every side, away from civilisation, but they settled and made it their home and farm.
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Motherhood Project
Bizi’s motherhood project asks the question, ‘what does it mean to be a mother?’

These photographs are a personal exploration of the role of mothers and give an insight into motherhood in Rwanda. Bizi never had the chance to meet his own mother, and his documentation of the lives of single mothers, young mothers, experienced mothers and women who don’t have children is approached with sensitivity and inquisitiveness.
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My kids SHOULD stay indoors, but people from the village don’t care.
Mussa Uwitonze, July 2020

While coronavirus took away work opportunities for Mussa, it has given him precious time with his family to make and capture new memories.

My kids started missing going out, once I saw them looking under our brown gate bending to look outside; I opened the gate wide so they could see for a short while what is going on and they were extremely happy.
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Life in lockdown in Rwanda
Bizimana Jean, July 2020

Bizi captures the lives of people trying to celebrate Ramadan in Rwanda as their plans, livelihoods and food disappear around them.

Many people thought that coronavirus was a disease of the rich…. we thought that the pandemic was not going to reach us in Rwanda. People who were not well-prepared were in extreme poverty, and it was very hard to eat.
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